
Since KubeDR is built with kubebuilder framework, it automatically comes with a way to export Prometheus metrics. In fact, controller runtime exports several metrics dealing with internal implementation details but they are only relevant for developers.

KubeDR adds several metrics that are of interest to the users. For details about these metrics, check the user guide.

Here are some high level details regarding the implementation and testing of metrics sub-system.

  • All metrics are defined in the file kubedr/metrics/metrics.go.

The metrics end point is protected by RBAC so until we figure out how to configure Prometheus in this setting, the feature was tested in the following way:

  • Remove RBAC by commenting out the line:

    - manager_auth_proxy_patch.yaml

    and uncommenting the line:

    - manager_prometheus_metrics_patch.yaml

    in the file:


You need to build KubeDR after this change. Once KubeDR is deployed after this change, run the following command to make metrics end point accessible on local host:

$ kubectl -n kubedr-system port-forward <KUBEDR-CONTROLLER-POD> 8080:8080

Here is an example:

$ kubectl -n kubedr-system port-forward kubedr-controller-manager-bd9f4467c-ljblq 8080:8080

Now, the following command will show all the relevant metrics:

$ curl -s http://localhost:8080/metrics | grep kubedr_