============== Installation ============== - Install `cert-manager`_. - Make sure that ``kubectl`` is set up to access your cluster. - Download `kubedr.yaml` from the `Releases page `_. .. note:: We are also working on supporting *Helm* installs in the future. - Apply the downloaded ``kubedr.yaml``, like so: .. code-block:: bash $ kubectl apply -f kubedr.yaml Note that the following two images are required for *Kubedr* to work. * catalogicsoftware/kubedrutil:0.1.0 * catalogicsoftware/kubedr:0.1.0 - Applying ``kubedr.yaml`` will create a new namespace called *kubedr-system* and starts all the necessary pods, services, webhooks, and deployments in that namespace. It also installs the following *Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)*: * BackupLocation * MetadataBackupPolicy * MetadataBackupRecord - To verify that installation is successful, run the following command and ensure that all the resources are in running state. .. code-block:: bash $ kubectl -n kubedr-system get all NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/kubedr-controller-manager-7bc7dc96f6-h8v28 2/2 Running 0 4s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/kubedr-controller-manager-metrics-service ClusterIP 8443/TCP 4s service/kubedr-webhook-service ClusterIP 443/TCP 4s NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/kubedr-controller-manager 1/1 1 1 4s NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE replicaset.apps/kubedr-controller-manager-7bc7dc96f6 1 1 1 4s .. _cert-manager: https://cert-manager.io/