Catalogic: Cyber Resilience for Day 2 Kubernetes Deployments

Catalogic is leveraging its decades of experience offering enterprise backup solutions to deliver its newest product, CloudCasa.
CloudCasa provides backup and restore capabilities via a backup-as-a-service offering for persistent data in Kubernetes, including cloud databases and other stateful data.
It also backs up the metadata that contain session state information, enabling organizations to restore Kubernetes clusters to their active state.
CloudCasa offers security end-to-end, including the ability to provide configurable immutability of backups as protection against ransomware attacks.
Because Catalogic designed CloudCasa to work in public clouds (AWS to start), it also offers vulnerability assessments for Amazon EKS deployments in AWS.
The CloudCasa backup and restore capability also takes into account differences in environments, allowing it to serve as a Kubernetes migration tool, for example, to move from a ‘day 1’ staging environment to ‘day 2’ production.