CloudCasa Demo: CloudCasa for Velero

CloudCasa has announced the launch of CloudCasa for Velero, a new offering to manage and run backups at enterprise scale. In this episode of TFiR: Let’s See, two guests from CloudCasa, Sr. Director of Engineering Swanand Shende and Cloud Architect Sebastian Glab, demonstrate how to use the product.
CloudCasa for Velero allows users to manage their cluster using the company’s SaaS platform by plugging directly into Velero. CloudCasa provides user-friendly, intuitive user interface for Kubernetes cluster management and utilizing Velero as the backup tool. That means that Velero users are no longer required to use CloudCasa agent for backups and restore.
Benefits of CloudCasa for Velero:
- Multi-cluster and multi-cloud management in one place. Users can simply go to CloudCasa and manage everything from there.
- Real-time job monitoring. Whenever users run the backup or restore, they will see it right away in the CloudCasa user interface. They can click on the backup job and see live progress there.
- Ability to do advanced cloud recovery.
- Better compliance and governance with failure alert and reporting. Whenever backup or restore fails or there is a broken connection, they will get an email so they can troubleshoot.
- Faster troubleshooting because of a central log collection system. Users will see all backup jobs and all restores for a particular cluster. They can simply click on the backup or restore job and it will download a CSV file so they don’t have to access the storage or to access the cluster to get the logs; they can simply get it from the UI.
- Velero users can get all these benefits without worrying about infrastructure management, causing any disruptions or having to undergo any migration process.