
CloudCasa - Kubernetes Backup DPX - Enterprise Backup and Recovery DPX vPlus for Microsoft 365 Backup DPX vPlus for Open VM Backup
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Analyst Reports Case Study Data Sheet Newsletters Videos & Webcasts Whitepapers
Business Need
Applications Cloud Storage Operating Systems Primary Storage Virtualization
Data Sheet

What’s New in Catalogic DPX 4.12

What’s New in Catalogic DPX 4.12   DPX 4.12 version brings new features for DataCore...Read more
Case Study

Empowering Lorton Data with Catalogic DPX and vStor for Enhanced Data Protection and Operational Efficiency

Empowering Lorton Data with Catalogic DPX and vStor Lorton Data, a leader in data processing and...Read more
Data Sheet

What’s New in Catalogic DPX vPlus 7.0

What’s New in Catalogic DPX vPlus 7.0 Server framework transition from Payara Micro to Quarkus 2.0...Read more
Data Sheet

What’s New in Catalogic DPX 4.11

This document summarizes the key new features in Catalogic DPX version 4.11, including: DPX...Read more
Data Sheet

Data Self-Assessment Guide by Catalogic-Blueink: Manage Your Data Inventory Effectively

Unlock the full potential of your data with our Data Self-Assessment Guide. Ideal for IT...Read more
Data Sheet

CATALOGIC SOFTWARE Introduction: The Smart Choice for Data Protection

Explore our Catalogic Software introduction PDF to discover why we are a leading choice...Read more
Data Sheet

Catalogic DPX vPlus for Microsoft 365 with Wasabi Cloud

DPX vPlus provides SaaS backup for Microsoft 365 critical business data, file versioning,...Read more
Data Sheet

Catalogic DPX vPlus for Open VMs with Wasabi Cloud

The proliferation of open virtualization platforms and hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI)...Read more

Schulung fur DPX Systemadministratoren Anmeldung Partner 2024-05

Es stehen nur begrenzte Teilnehmerplätze zur Verfügung. Der Zeitplan kann geändert werden, wenn die...Read more

Schulung fur DPX Systemadministratoren Anmeldung 2024-05

Es stehen nur begrenzte Teilnehmerplätze zur Verfügung. Der Zeitplan kann geändert werden, wenn die...Read more
Data Sheet

Top 11 Challenges With Existing NAS Backup Solutions

If budget-draining licenses, endless training sessions, and sluggish, unreliable restores define...Read more
Data Sheet

What’s New in Catalogic DPX 4.10

This document summarizes the key new features in Catalogic DPX version 4.10. You can also find a...Read more
Case Study

Regional Electoral Courts Protects Kubernetes Data with CloudCasa

As a government institution in Brazil, the Para regional electoral courts began to experiment...Read more
Data Sheet

Red Hat OADP and CloudCasa – Datasheet

Velero and Red Hat OADP have become popular data protection options for cloud-native...Read more
Data Sheet

Catalogic DPX with Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage

Catalogic DPX and DPX vPlus are reliable, secure, and low-cost enterprise backup solutions to...Read more
Data Sheet

CloudCasa for Velero Datasheet

Velero is a popular open-source Kubernetes backup tool that is used by thousands of organizations...Read more
Case Study

Catalogic DPX Helps CreditGUARD Recover from Ransomware Attack

CreditGUARD, America’s leading debt-free credit counseling agency, experienced what many...Read more
Data Sheet

Catalogic DPX: Secure Data Protection and Recovery for OpenText OES

Catalogic has been a trusted provider of industry-leading Novell backup and recovery solutions...Read more
Data Sheet

GuardMode Ransomware Detection and Recovery Built-in to your Backup Software

GuardMode provides early detection of ransomware or data-related anomalies before you backup your...Read more
Data Sheet

Protect DPX Backups with DataCore Swarm

Catalogic DPX offers seamless integration with Swarm with built-in connectivity via the S3 API....Read more
Data Sheet

10 Reasons to Choose Catalogic DPX

Catalogic DPX provides robust backup and recovery capabilities that reduces backup time and impact...Read more
Data Sheet

Catalogic DPX: The Smart Choice in Data Protection

Catalogic DPX is an industry standard data protection solution that focuses on the most...Read more
Data Sheet

What’s New in Catalogic DPX 4.9

DPX GuardMode adds Linux server and Samba shares to the ransomware detection agent with the ability...Read more
Data Sheet

10 Reasons to Choose Catalogic DPX – German

Es gibt zahlreiche Losungen zur Datensicherung und -wiederherstellung auf dem Markt. Warum also...Read more
Data Sheet

What’s New in Catalogic DPX 4.9 – German

Dieses Dokument fasst die wichtigsten neuen Funktionen von Catalogic DPX Version 4.9 zusammen. Eine...Read more
Videos & Webcasts

Catalogic DPX vPlus backup and recovery for Microsoft 365

DPX vPlus provides SaaS backup for Microsoft 365 critical business data, file versioning, and...Read more
Videos & Webcasts

Catalogic DPX vPlus Backup and Recovery for Open VMs

The proliferation of open virtualization platforms and hype converged infrastructure (HCI) has left...Read more

Multi-Cloud Backup-as-a-Service for Kubernetes

CloudCasa is a powerful and easy to use Kubernetes backup service for DevOps, Platform Engineering...Read more
Data Sheet

Catalogic DPX vPlus for Open VMs

The proliferation of open virtualization platforms and hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) has left...Read more
Data Sheet

Catalogic DPX: The Smart Choice in Data Protection – German

Catalogic DPX is an industry standard data protection solution that focuses on the most important...Read more
Data Sheet

Catalogic DPX vPlus for Microsoft 365

DPX vPlus provides SaaS backup for Microsoft 365 critical business data, file versioning, and...Read more
Analyst Reports

Evaluator Group – CloudCasa Backup-as-a-Service brief

CloudCasa is Catalogic’s backup and restore offering for Kubernetes environments and cloud-hosted...Read more
Data Sheet

What’s New in Catalogic DPX 4.8.1 – German

This German language document summarizes the key new features in Catalogic DPX 4.8.1. You can also...Read more
Data Sheet

What’s New in Catalogic DPX 4.8.1

This document summarizes the key new features in Catalogic DPX 4.8.1. You can also find a...Read more
Analyst Reports

Evaluator Group – Catalogic DPX Product Brief

Unbiased 6-page overview of Catalogic DPX. Includes highlights, overview, usage and EvaluScale...Read more
Case Study

CloudCasa’s Cross-Cluster Recovery a Game-Changer for Large Pharmaceutical Company

In the case of this pharmaceutical company, the biggest benefit was CloudCasa’s ability to perform...Read more

RANSOMWARE – How to Protect and Recover Your Data From this Growing Threat

Ransomware is a growing threat to every organization on the planet; it...Read more
Data Sheet

Catalogic DPX vStor – Software Backup Appliance

The DPX vStor backup repository is a modern, software-defined secondary storage solution...Read more
Data Sheet

DPX Data Protection with Cloudian S3 Storage

Catalogic DPX integrates seamlessly with Cloudian HyperStore to provide a fast, limitlessly...Read more
Data Sheet

CloudCasa Datasheet

CloudCasa is a simple, scalable and cloud native backup service built using Kubernetes for...Read more

DPX vPlus – Agentless Backups for Open VMs

Watch this 25-minute video demo of DPX vPlus, an easy to use, agentless data protection...Read more
Case Study

Southern Utah University solves VM Backup Problems with Catalogic and Quantum

As Southern Utah University’s infrastructure became heavily virtualized their data protection...Read more

Protect Oracle Databases with Catalogic DPX

Catalogic DPX delivers the fastest recovery time and recovery point objectives, and dramatically...Read more