Join us for an insightful webinar where we dive into real-world scenarios of combating ransomware threats and ensuring data resilience even during critical infrastructure failures. Learn from our experts, Da Li and Martin, as they walk you through practical demonstrations on how to maintain business continuity and safeguard your critical data against sophisticated cyber attacks. This session will explore strategies to preemptively handle file corruption from ransomware and maintain access to crucial data during unexpected master server downtimes. Discover how to turn potential disaster into a manageable situation with the right tools and techniques.

  1. On-Demand Verification for Immediate Threat Detection:
    Imagine detecting a ransomware infiltration as it happens. Our on-demand verification processes allow you to identify and respond to unauthorized changes in your backup data, ensuring that you can trust your backups even under threat.
  2. Rapid Recovery from Ransomware Corruption:
    A ransomware attack corrupts critical files right before a major business deadline. Learn how to quickly revert to uncorrupted versions of your data using efficient snapshot technology, minimizing downtime and operational disruption.
  3. Ensuring Access When the Master Server is Down:
    Your master server unexpectedly fails, threatening to halt all data recovery operations. We will show you how our solutions provide independent data access, allowing your business to continue functioning smoothly without the need for immediate hardware restoration or complex recovery operations.