9. Troubleshooting

9.1. Collecting Info

In case of any problems, please get output of the following commands.

$ alias k="kubectl -n kubedr-system"

$ k get all

$ k describe all

# For pods that show errors
$ k logs <PODNAME> --all-containers

9.2. Artifacts

This section is aimed at cluster admins who want to or need to know all the artifacts that comprise of Kubedr.

9.2.1. Custom Resources


Represents a S3 backup target.


Describes the backup policy.


Created after every successful backup.


Creation of this resource triggers a restore.

9.2.2. Kubernetes Resources

Controller Manager Pod

This has controllers for all the custom resources. In addition, it also serves metrics and implements webhook end points (used for validation and initialization of unset fields).

Corresponding to this pod, there is a Replica Set, Deployment, and two services.


There will be one cronjob for each backup policy.


One job created for each backup instance (managed by “Cronjob”).

Repo initialization pod

When a new BackupLocation is added, a pod is created that initializes the repo. It is named as “<NAME>-init-pod” where “<NAME>” is the name of BackupLocation resource.

This pod is not deleted currently but in the future, it will be cleaned up.

Snapshot deletion pods

In order to support retention setting and clean up expired snapshots, a pod is created that deletes the backup snapshot. Such pods are named “mbr-<SNAPSHOTID>-del”.

At most three such deletion pods are kept and others are cleaned up.